For your information, here you will find the main links of naturist organizations, naturist clubs, naturist centers and various social media relevant to any naturist residing in the greater Montreal area.
International and national federations
International Naturist Federation (INF)
The International Naturist Federation is the main organization representing naturism worldwide. Many countries have national federations of naturists which bring together clubs, resorts and individual members in their country.
Federation of Canadian Naturists (FCN)
The Federation of Canadian Naturists is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering a better understanding, acceptance and appreciation of naturism as a way of life across Canada. The FCN produces the famous Going Natural / Au Naturel magazine available to its individual and corporate members. The FCN affiliates any naturist club or organization in Canada that respects naturist values.
Landless naturist clubs and naturist organizations
Clubs and some naturist organizations organize naturist activities in different regions of the country. The main activities are bathing activities, gym activities, spa, etc.
Naturist Club of Greater Montréal (NCGM, Montreal)
Fédération québécoise de naturisme (FQN, GNM, GNQ, Québec et Montréal)
Ottawa Naturists / Naturistes de l’Outaouais (ONNO, Ottawa)
Wreck Beach Preservation Society
Naturist centers
Naturist centers are real naturist summer resorts offering different services: camping, swimming, volleyball, petanque, shows, etc.
Centre naturiste Oasis (Lanaudière)
Club naturiste Loisirs Air Soleil (Centre du Québec)
Centre naturiste D.S.A. (Centre du Québec)
La Veille Ferme centre naturiste (Rimouski)
Eagles Embrace Naturist Nest (Clayton, Ontario)
East Haven Sun Club (Casselman, Ontario)
Sunward Naturist Park (Calabogie, Ontario)
Social media
Facebook Page Naturistes du Québec
Facebook Group French NCGM (members only)
Facebook Group English NCGM (members only)
Facebook Group Le naturisme au Québec (LNAQ)
Facebook Group Pour des espaces nudistes officiels au Québec