Newsletter, September 10, 2024

Dear members and future members of the NCGM, we hope that you are still having a great summer. The summer season is ending soon and it is now time to plan naturist activities for the fall season. At the NCGM we have already made our reservation requests for each of our activities.

Fall 2024 program (update 2024 11 05)

Pool Repentigny

Saturday, 7:00 p.m., September 21, October 19 and December 14

Gymnasium/Pool Laval

Saturday, 7:30 p.m., October 5, November 9 and December 7

Pool Montérégie

Saturday, 6:30 p.m., October 26

Sunday, 6:30 p.m., December 1

Bowling/Games/Dinner Laval

Saturday, 7:30 p.m. (dinner 6:00 p.m.), November 2

Spa/Gîte Laurentians

Saturday, 7:30 p.m., November 16

You can consult it online now. This schedule is dynamic and will depend on the activity opportunities offered and of course the participation rate of members.

Membership Applications

Please note that the NCGM does not process membership applications during the summer season. New applications received will be processed in September. Please note that we are an inclusive family club and insist on maintaining a maximum ratio of 1.8 men/women. The only constraint is for people in the “individual man” category who sometimes have to wait a few months before having the opportunity to complete their membership at the NCGM.

New Bowling/Games/Dinner Laval activity:

We try to listen to our members and we have noticed a strong interest in diversified social activities. It is with pleasure that we announce the creation of a new bowling activity formula which will now include board games and a naturist meal in the same place. More details will follow in the coming weeks. Here is the link to this new activity:

Bowling/Games/Dinner Laval

Upcoming activities Piscine Montérégie

Last year, we welcomed about thirty people on three occasions. This activity is truly expanding. The pool is very large with its 6 lanes. The water temperature is 32C. It can accommodate nearly a hundred people. It is located at the intersection of highways 20 and 30 and has a large parking lot. Before the activity, there is always a dinner offered at a local restaurant.

This activity is purely family-friendly. There are participants of all ages from young children to seniors. It is possible to borrow a variety of aquatic accessories including small slides, balls, fins, floats, etc.

We have decided to schedule two Piscine Montérégie (Sainte-Julie) activities for this fall. The activity on October 26 will take place on a Saturday and that of December 1 will take place on a Sunday for the first time at the same time 6:30 p.m.

Review of the 2023-2024 season:

The NCGM completed its second full year of regular activities on August 31, 2024. During this year, the NCGM carried out the following 23 activities:

  • 4 swims in Repentigny
  • 4 badminton sessions in the gym in Laval
  • 5 bowling evenings in Laval
  • 3 swims in Laval
  • 3 spa/sauna/lodge activities in the Laurentians
  • 3 swims in Sainte-Julie
  • 1 ONNO invitation, wave pool in Ottawa.

The NCGM invited its members to try several activities offered in the two large naturist centers located in the greater Montreal area (L’Oasis and La Pommerie). Several members had the pleasure of discovering leisure activities in a naturist center for the very first time.

The 2023-2024 season is the first profitable year of the NCGM with financial surpluses. The number of participations in activities has increased by 130%. This is normal because the club is new and progressing very quickly.

As of September 1, 2022, we had 52 registered members (38 valid registrations). As of May 1, 2023, we had 145 registered members (102 valid registrations). Finally, as of May 1, 2024, we had 258 registered members (193 valid registrations). A registered member is a member accepted to the NCGM after completing the required formalities which include a telephone interview. Each member must be in good standing (have their membership fee paid) to have the privilege of participating in an activity.


For each activity, the NCGM offers a carpooling service for members who want it. We will continue to tirelessly promote this service. This choice is directly offered when you register for each of our activities. We coordinate transportation from your addresses to maximize the efficiency of the service. Do not hesitate to use this service.

To conclude

The NCGM needs your support. Join and register for the activities offered!

To apply for NCGM membership


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